This memorial honors the members of CDOT Patrol #14 - the Red Mountain Division - who have lost their lives to avalanches at the Riverside Slide.

Working as a member of the Colorado Department of Transportation's Red Mountain District is a demanding, dangerous job. It is the most avalanche prone highway in America and the CDOT crew has to clear the road in all conditions. It takes a brave person to put themselves in danger to keep others safe. This memorial commemorates three CDOT employees who lost their lives while attempting to keep the roadway clear for the traveling public.
Shortly after visiting Ouray, I stumbled upon a television program that told the story of Eddie Imel, the foreman of the CDOT crew who was buried in a massive avalanche on the Million Dollar Highway. It was a gripping, heartbreaking story. Dan Castle, the foreman of the CDOT crew when I visited Ouray a second time to conduct interviews, was very gracious with his time and his knowledge. Hopefully, I accurately described what it's like to be a member of this valiant crew.